

Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamomum) is a small seedpod with brownish-black aromatic seeds.


􀀀 Cardamom has aphrodisiac, antidote and anti-emetic properties apart from being
carminative and anti-spasmodic.
􀀀 It is used in various medicinal preparations to relieve digestive disorders and flatulence.
􀀀 Traditionally it has been used to cure infected teeth, gums and sore throat. It also improves
bad breath.
􀀀 The anti-inflammatory quality of Cardamom helps to cure inflammation of the urinary tract.
􀀀 It also alleviates heart burn and skin inflammation.

How to use Cardamom

􀀀 Simmer Cardamom powder in water and add sugar when cooled. Intake of this decoction
helps regain lost appetite and improves digestion and distension of abdomen. Hot beverage
made of roasted Cardamom seeds boiled with betel nuts may also help.
􀀀 Mix half a gram of Cardamom powder with an equal amount of dry Ginger and a little
honey. It helps in relieving coughs and also alleviates tracheal and bronchial congestion.
􀀀 Chewing Cardamom seeds act as an instant mouth freshener. Gargle a mixture of crushed
Cardamom and Cinnamon or dry Mint leaves to treat sore throats, mouth ulcers and
􀀀 Cardamom Seeds and the skin can be added to black or green tea, which is known to reduce
stress and depression and acts as a refreshing agent.

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