

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is the fragrant brown bark of the Cinnamon tree, which is available
in its dried tubular form known as a quill or as a ground powder.


􀀀 Essential oil of Cinnamon has anti-coagulating, anti-microbial and antioxidant properties. It can also work as an effective insect repellent.
􀀀 Cinnamon may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels.
􀀀 Inhaling the warm, spicy and sweet scent of this spice is believed to boost brain activity.
􀀀 Traditionally, Cinnamon is considered as a warming remedy to help alleviate colds, cough and flu.

How to use Cinnamon

􀀀 Simmer Cinnamon sticks with milk or soymilk and honey for a deliciously warming beverage.
􀀀 Mix 1 to 3 teaspoons of ground Cinnamon powder in 1 cup of hot water. Let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink this potion to cure diarrhea.
􀀀 Dab a little powdered Cinnamon on minor cuts or wounds.
􀀀 Sprinkle some Cinnamon on chicken noodle soup for an instant pick-me-up, particularly to recover from colds or fever.

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