

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules) is an intensely fragrant oil from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree.


􀀀 Eucalyptus oil has anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It is extensively used to provide relief in respiratory and skin disorders.
􀀀 The oil is used as an inhalant to clear catarrh and used externally to ease laryngitis and throat troubles.
􀀀 Internal consumption of the fluid extracts (approx. 1/8 oz), may help in treatment of scarlet fever, intermittent fever, typhoid and pulmonary tuberculosis.
􀀀 Inhaling the refreshingly aromatic Eucalyptus oil raises the spirits and energy levels. It is also known to reduce stress.
􀀀 It can also be used as an insect repellent.

How to use Eucalyptus

􀀀 Put a few drops of Eucalyptus oil on a tissue/handkerchief. Breathe in frequently through this by holding it next to your nasal passage when you breathe. It will ease the breathing process thus providing relief from asthma, sinus, bronchitis and common colds and cough.
􀀀 Boil water in a saucepan and put a couple of drops of Eucalyptus oil in it. Turn off the stove and inhale the steam emanating from this water to get immediate relief from blocked nose, common colds or difficulty in breathing.
􀀀 Make an effective mouth rinse by mixing a drop or two of Eucalyptus oil with water.
􀀀 Apply the oil (mixed with olive oil, if necessary) on affected parts of the body to alleviate arthritis, muscle pains and swelling.

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