
You can intensify the amount of desire, or the object ofdesire with hypnosis. In trance, whether it is waking tranceor closed eye trance, inserting words like, want me... closerto me... feel better here... as you trust me... can influencethe mind into creating the desire for the person who isspeaking. In the section on language patterns and embeddedcommands you will learn valuable ways to influence themind into desire, willingness, and trust. You could alsocreate desire for something like a certain sexual act, position,or favor. You could create a desire for oral sex in a womanwho previously had no desire for it. (Now I have yourattention, huh?)However, if you are total putz, none of this will help you.You are going to have to study up on charisma and rapport.Trance and language patterns are good, but they cannot makeup for bad intentions, stupidity, evil thoughts, or bad teeth.Mind control in many ways is a misconception. We don'treally have the ability to control someone else's mind with orwithout hypnosis. When a person responds to our suggestion,on some level there was agreement. Hypnosis and WakingTrance, can help to create a state of mind where we are more persuaded to do something or go along with something. Thedegree to which someone's mind agrees to go along withsomething is based on the level of trust. If there is no trust,there can be no hypnosis, or trance. And if there is no trancethere is no suggestibility

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