

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) are the dark brown aromatic flower buds of the clove tree, which are
available in dried form.


􀀀 Essential oil of Cloves acts as an antiseptic and germicide which helps cure tooth decay and bad breath. It kills intestinal worms and helps treat digestive ailments.
􀀀 Its expectorant quality aids in asthma and bronchial problems.
􀀀 The anti-inflammatory property of Eugenol contained in Cloves helps in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.
􀀀 Skin disorders such as acne, ulcers and sores can also be cured by Cloves.

How to use Cloves

􀀀 Intake of Clove infusion or powder mixed with honey provides relief in vomiting, nausea, flatulence and indigestion.
􀀀 Chew Cloves or apply Clove oil on decayed teeth to alleviate toothache.
􀀀 Apply Clove oil in the form of a poultice to allay muscular cramps and sprains.
􀀀 Fry a few Cloves in a teaspoon of sesame oil, remove the cloves and put 3-4 drops of this
warm oil into the ear to alleviate earache.
􀀀 Make a paste of 2-3 Cloves and a little bit of salt in milk and apply this over the forehead to
subdue headaches.

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