

Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is the root of the Ginseng plant which is usually available in dried form, either whole or sliced.


􀀀 Ginseng can benefit diabetics, especially those suffering from type 2 diabetes, as it may help keep blood and uric sugar levels under control.
􀀀 This herb boosts the immunity and is believed to add more years to a person’s life. It is believed to work well against fatigue, old age and its infirmities.
􀀀 The Adaptogenic property of Ginseng improves blood circulation, energy levels; controls cholesterol and hypertension; and fights against infections.
􀀀 Traditionally, it is known to have aphrodisiac properties that encourage the production of sex hormones and sexual desire.

How to use Ginseng

􀀀 Prepare Ginseng tea by simmering a few slices in hot water. Honey can be added to sweeten. This tea acts as a health restorer for the sick by enhancing blood circulation, blood quantity and speeding up the recovery process.
􀀀 Ginseng powder can be added to juices or water to get the benefit of its various medicinal properties.
􀀀 Massage your body with Ginseng oil to nourish and moisturize your skin. Other beauty therapies may include a Ginseng facial, Ginseng body glow, body detoxifying, etc.

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